We, the workers of the American University in Cairo (AUC) intend to remain on strike until the following demands are met.
1. Every worker shall receive a minimum monthly wage of 1.200 EGP. There shall be pay equity for all workers who hold the same position.
2. Saturday shall be an official holiday for the AUC workers as it is for all those employed in the maintenance, post and all service departments and the administration. If one is to work on Saturday they shall receive overtime pay for their work.
3. The meal plan shall be cancelled and all workers shall receive a 200 EGP compensation for the meal plan. This shall be extended to workers who were on the meal plan and those who were denied the meal plan. This shall be added to the 1,200 EGP monthly salaries and not as part of the original wage increase.
4. Wage raises are to be considered permanent and not treated as a bonus. Upon a wage increase proper documentation of this increase shall be filed and given to the worker receiving a wage increase.
5. Pensions shall be compulsory for all workers of the AUC. In order to ensure transparency of the Pension Plan a system shall be established to convey the status of the pension and shall be presented to the workers on a constant and regular basis.
6. The Hundred Point System that defines minimum and maximum wage payment shall be made public and distributed to the workers of the AUC.
7. The health plans of workers shall be optional. The AUC shall make public the conditions under which the clinic of the AUC can be used by workers (and their families) if they are not on the health plan.
8. A workers’ committee shall be established. In which there will be direct representation of the workers on the committee, in the form of one worker from each level of employment shall be elected to the committee.